NZGS Allurion Program | Achieve your weight goals with less struggle

The Allurion Intragastric Balloon is an effective, non-surgical weight loss option for those struggling with obesity. It has several benefits over traditional weight loss methods and is a safe procedure when performed by qualified healthcare professionals.  

The Allurion balloon comes with 90 days free replacement warranty.



The Allurion Intragastric Balloon Program has been proven to be highly effective, with individuals achieving an average weight loss of 10 to 15% of their total body weight within a six-month timeframe. This program operates by taking up space in the stomach, which in turn reduces feelings of hunger and the urge to overeat, resulting in a positive shift in eating habits. It aids in portion control and fosters a sensation of fullness after consuming smaller meals. Moreover, aside from facilitating weight loss, this approach offers additional health benefits, including a decreased risk of obesity-related conditions such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnoea, and gastroesophageal reflux. An impressive 95% of patients maintain their weight loss even twelve months after the treatment.

Advantages | Not a surgical procedure

A standout feature of the Allurion Intragastric Balloon is its non-surgical nature, setting it apart from other weight loss balloon options. Unlike its counterparts, the Allurion balloon doesn't necessitate sedation, anaesthesia, surgery, or endoscopy. It leaves no room for incisions, scarring, or any downtime. Furthermore, this procedure is fully reversible, allowing for the removal of the balloon at any time without causing any lasting changes to the digestive system. What's more, it caters to a wide range of individuals, particularly those with a BMI ranging from 27 to over 40, who may have already attempted conventional weight loss methods like diet and exercise without success. In cases where patients have a BMI exceeding 40, a sequential balloon placement is a viable option.

Safety measures

The Allurion Intragastric Balloon procedure is generally considered safe, given its non-surgical nature. However, it's crucial to recognise that the safety and success of this procedure are contingent on the proficiency of the physician conducting it. To minimise the likelihood of complications, it's imperative for patients to seek consultation with a qualified healthcare provider who possesses expertise in performing the procedure. In most cases, common side effects are experienced in the initial days following the placement and may include temporary symptoms like nausea, vomiting and stomach cramps. These discomforts can typically be managed effectively with the administration of appropriate medications. It's also noteworthy that overall complications have been reported to be quite rare, at just 0.34% in over 100,000 balloons placed across 80 countries worldwide.